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#1 Research - Calcium Does Protect Bones
#2 News - Three Quarters of U.S. Physicians and Nurses
Recommend Dietary Supplements to Their Patients
#3 Publish Your Own Stories - You Are Invited
#4 Quote of the day
#1 Research - Calcium Does Protect Bones
Calcium supplements, either alone or in combination with vitamin D, are an effective preventive treatment for osteoporosis in older adults, according to a new meta-analysis published in The Lancet.
Researchers from the University of Sydney identified 29 randomized trials that included people over age 50, with primary outcomes of fractures and percentage change of bone mineral density (BMD) from baseline.
In trials that reported fracture as an outcome, supplementation was associated with a 12-percent risk reduction in all types of fractures; fracture risk reduction was significantly greater (24 percent) in trials reporting high compliance.
Trials using BMD as a primary outcome found supplementation could reduce the rate of bone loss of 0.54 percent at the hip and 1.19 percent in the spine.
Treatment effects were also greater when supplementation was at least 1,200 mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D.
Kim's note: We recommend quality natural vitamin to protect your bones. You can get it from Xtend-Life.
#2 News - Three Quarters of U.S. Physicians and Nurses
Recommend Dietary Supplements to Their Patients
The landmark "Life...supplemented" Healthcare Professionals (HCP) Impact Study found that more than three quarters of U.S. physicians (79 percent) and nurses (82 percent) recommend dietary supplements to their patients. Read the rest >>
#3 Publish Your Own Stories - You Are Invited
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#4 Quote of the day
"Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued." ~ Socrates
Till then.
God bless.
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