According to USDA, a healthy diet is a balanced diet. In its new USDA recommendation, it stresses one size does not fits all.
Other recommendations include: Make Half Your Grains Whole - Aim for at least 4 whole grains a day, Vary Your Veggies.
Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
Orange Vegetables = 2 cups weekly
Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly
Starchy Vegetables = 6 cups weekly
Other Vegetables = 7 cups weekly
Oils & Discretionary Calories
Aim for 7 teaspoons of oils a day
Limit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to 360 Calories
Sadly, most people do not eat balance diet accordingly. I feel guilty too. I supplement my diet with a Multivitamin daily
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