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1. Compare supplements to see if there is artificial coloring used
2. Compare if calcium supplements can be easily digested - the disintegration test.
I put my vitamin supplements tablets into a glass of water, leave it for 30 minutes.Observe if it colorise the water or color coating drops off.
Picture 'A' shows at the start of the test of brand X (left) and brand Y (right) multivitamin tablet. Picture 'B' shows that after 10 minutes, brand X's artificial color coating (red) started to come off. Brand Y show the natural green color being released. According ti the manufacturer of brand Y multi-vitamin, there is no artificial color added.
Needless to say, brand X artificial color shows up.
Picture 'C' is taken after 40 minutes into the test. Brand X's white coating is revealed and 'cracked'. I doubt the white coating is digestible by your body.
Brand Y almost fully disintegrated afte 40 minutes.
I stirred the water. Brand Y distingrated completely while brand Y left with flakes of artificial color coating and white coating.
My conclusion: Brand Y is a better vitamin supplement. It pass the criteria of artificial color test and disintegration test. Brand X abviously did not.
Now that you can see a simple test like this can help you to differential the quality of the vitamin supplements you eat. Take control, choose a responsible manufacturer to get the best vitamin supplements for yourself.
You can do the same test for Calcium/Magnesium vitamin supplements table. You can either use water or vinegar.
I did it using vinegar and capped the tube with a balloon. The effervescence (picture A)of brand Y(on the right) pushed the balloon up. While not much happening to brand X even after 30 minutes later (picture C).
The disintegration test simply shows that brand Y is easily disintegrate in your digestive system.g food. The calciumcontent is usually represented as a percentage, of the daily value of calcium your child would get by eating one serving of that food, using 1,000mg as the 100% value. So if a food has 20%, it means 200mg of calcium (20% x 1000mg)
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