Vitamin B2, Riboflavin - Facts and Resouce
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Helps to convert food into energy by working with enzymes to turn fats, proteins and carbohydrates into a form the cells can use. Deficiency is common: B2 vitamin is easily destroyed by sunlight and pint of milk left on the doorstep can lose all its riboflavin within a couple of hours.
How it works
Riboflavin promotes healthy growth and reproductive function, and may help with normal development of the foetus during early pregnancy.
Ribofalvin is needed to form hair, skin and nails, and for good vision.
Riboflavin has antioxidant qualities and boosts your immune system by helping to form antibodies, blood proteins that seek out and destroy foreign substances. A lack of riboflavin can stop vitamin B6 from working.
Deficiency Symptoms
- Itchy eyes, sensitive to bright lights
- Mouth ulcers, cold sores and cracked lips
Eye Problems
Vitamin B2 helps protect against cataracts - Benefits vision and eases eye strain.
Concentration and Alertness
People who have a good intake of B2 vitamin are more likely to perform well in tests that measure mental functioning.
Female Problems
Riboflavin helps convert vitamin B6 into its active form and is usually included in supplements designed to relieve premenstrual syndrome or menopausal disorders.
Cracked, Sore Lips
Vitamin B2 reduces inflammation of the tongue and lips, and mouth sores.
Essential for energy production, riboflavin helps to boost the immune system and rid your body of toxins.
Multivitamin tablets usually contain 1.6mg of B2 vitamin, which is sufficient for the average person to remain healthy and avoid deficiency.
Slightly higher amounts are needed during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during times of stress (including anxiety, overwork, disease and after surgery). Levels of up to 50mg can be taken and even higher doses may be prescribed for conditions such as migraine. Selenium improves absorption from the intestines.
Women taking oral contraceptives, those who exercise regularly,diabetics, vegans, older people and heavy drinkers may need to increase their daily intake of riboflavin.
B2 vitamin is non-toxic but excess results in bright yellow-green urine. People prone to cataracts should not take more than 10mg of riboflavin daily.
Vitamin B complex supplement is a good source for your various B group vitamins need. The benefit of taking
vitamin B complex is that they work in synergy and produce better results.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vital Facts
Recommended daily allowance for adults:
Main functions:
Promotes healthy skin, hair and nails
- Benefits vision
- Helps convert food into energy
Boosts immunity
You would need to eat two large bowls of fortified breakfast cereal with skimmed milk to obtain the RDA of riboflavin. Vitamin B2 dissolves in cooking liquids but is not destroyed by heat. Store foods in a dark place to prevent riboflavin being destroyed by sunlight.
yeast extract
whole frains
fortified breakfast cereals
Brussels sprouts
green, leafy vegetables
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