Re: vitamin for osteoporosis
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Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones lose their density, becoming weak and brittle and liable to fracture. Bone loss is a natural part of ageing, but osteoporosis speeds up. this process.
Vitamin B6 is needed to build bones
Folic acid reduces levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that interferes with bone formation
Vitamin C may strengthen collagen, the cellbinding protein found in bone
Vitamin D increases calcium absorption
Vitamin K is needed for calcium to be deposited in the bones
Calcium is crucial for bone health
Copper is important for healthy bones
Magnesium works with calcium to maintain bone densityManganese contributes to bone strength
Phosphorus combines with calcium to make strong bones
Boron protects against calcium loss
Zinc is important for bone health
Omega-3 oils increase calcium deposition in the bones
Omega-6 oils; evening primrose oil helps bones retain calcium
Amino acids lysine promotes calcium absorption
Bioflavonoids increase the action of vitamin C
Too much salt, caffeine, alcohol, fizzy drinks and smoking increase calcium excretion. Chocolate, rhubarb, spinach and bran contain substances that interfere with calcium absorption.
We have found Xtend-Life natural Vitamin has sound recommendations to meet your different needs. You may fit into one of these groups of people describe below:
1) Prevention and Maintenance
2) For maximum benefits when indications of Osteoporosis is already present
3) Just calcium top up
Read Xtend-Life's recommendations for Vitamin for Osteoroposis.
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